Teaching: How to Lesson Planning

Estas son algunas ideas para pensar cuando creas una lección:

  • Student centered.
  • Check list for home
  • Count at home community

  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Fist to 5 - fist I don't know, 5 I know it.

Questions & Discussion
  • Think Pair Share

  • Small group w handout, investigate an image, write what they hear. Everyone pays attention on the share. 
  • Image: ideas that come out from an image.
  • Menu assessment:  based on points... 5 for a drawing, 10 for paragraph, 20 for spoken.

Group Work
  • Choral reading: Everyone pronounce it together. 
  • Call and response:
  • Fishbowl Resource 1  

Checking for Comprehension
  • I do, you do, we do

Reading Comprehension
  • Jigsaw reading

  • Experience map - how people got to Oregon... 

Accessing prior knowledge
  • Art Gallery for vocabulary - Students write words into posters... then move around to give 1, 2 or 3 check marks... If english words present, then we can go over the vocabulary.

Check out materials
Set up expectations
What's aloud or not.
Trade in... I give you a pencil, you give me something in return. To get item back.

Gummy bear bag... 
  • Different gummy bears... they need to share a thing about themselves for each gummy bear.
Clamp 3- get together in groups of 3.... Clamp 2... it teaches you a lot about them.

Big idea - know yourself and you bring into class. Racial & Cultural Identity Development
Biases, beliefet about equity and social jsutice
your perspetives, guiding principles and working theories.

  • Listen to their students - strengths, life circumstances, learning styles.
    • Body language
    • behavior
    • use protocols and structures
Speak your thruth
