Synergy Grading Codes

CommentsA101Add a (-) to the grade
CommentsA102Add a (+) to the grade
CommentsA103All assignments complete
CommentsA104All homework completed
CommentsA105Analyzes & interprets text
CommentsA106Assignments are missing, late or incomplete
CommentsA107Cites evidence from text
CommentsA108Commendable: high scores on tests & exams
CommentsA109Concern: low scores on tests & quizzes
CommentsA110Concern: missing daily work
CommentsA111Concern: missing major projects
CommentsA112Concern: missing tests, quizzes
CommentsA113Concern: assignments missing/incomplete
CommentsA114Does not meet grade-level content standards
CommentsA115Explains math strategies clearly
CommentsA116Improved: assignment completion
CommentsA117Improved: test scores
CommentsA118Instructional level is above grade level
CommentsA119Low scores on daily work
CommentsA120Low scores on projects
CommentsA121Low scores on tests & exams
CommentsA122Major project not completed
CommentsA123Making progress toward grade level skills
CommentsA124Mark reflects above-grade course expectations
CommentsA125Shows knowledge of subject matter
CommentsA126Work quality improving
CommentsA127Work Sample not completed
CommentsA128Honors credit will be reflected on transcript
CommentsB101Asks for help when needed
CommentsB102Concern: attendance
CommentsB103Behavior disrupts learning process
CommentsB104Commendable: accepts constructive suggestions
CommentsB105Commendable: assignments well done
CommentsB106Commendable: completes assignments regularly
CommentsB107Commendable: enjoy having your student in class
CommentsB108Commendable: good class participation
CommentsB109Commendable: very responsible
CommentsB110Completes class work on time
CommentsB111Concern: comes unprepared for class
CommentsB112Concern: disruptive in class
CommentsB113Concern: does not bring necessary supplies
CommentsB114Concern: does not complete work regularly
CommentsB115Consistently attends class
CommentsB116Consistently on time
CommentsB117Demonstrates good organizational skills
CommentsB118Demonstrates good use of class time
CommentsB119Demonstrates good participation
CommentsB120Enjoy having student in class
CommentsB121Frequent absences
CommentsB122Frequent absences & tardies
CommentsB123Frequent tardies
CommentsB124Improved: attendance & punctuality
CommentsB125Improved: class participation
CommentsB126Needs to change into activity clothes/shoes
CommentsB127Needs to complete class work on time
CommentsB128Needs to improve independent work
CommentsB129Needs to use effective problem-solving strategies
CommentsB130Often does not bring materials to class
CommentsB131Participates in class
CommentsB132Progress does not reflect ability
CommentsB133Shows improved effort
CommentsB134Shows initiative & creativity
CommentsB135Shows respect for equipment
CommentsB136Shows respect for self & others
CommentsB137Takes acquisition of skills seriously
CommentsB138Consistently manages responsibilities
CommentsB139Often manages responsibilities
CommentsB140Sometimes manages responsibilities
CommentsB141Rarely manages responsibilities
CommentsC101Apply academic knowledge & technical skills
CommentsC102Clearly & accurately write instructions
CommentsC103Clearly & accurately write technical reports
CommentsC104Demonstrate effective communication skills
CommentsC105Demonstrate skills that improve team effectiveness
CommentsC106Exhibit appropriate work ethic & behaviors
CommentsC107Explain a proposed solution & course of action
CommentsC108Give & receive feedback in a positive manner
CommentsC109Identify alternatives to solve problems
CommentsC110Identify problems & work toward solutions
CommentsC111Identify, initiate & complete tasks
CommentsC112Listen & summarize key elements of communication
CommentsC113Locate, process, convey info: use variety of tools
CommentsC114Maintains appropriate interactions with classmates
CommentsC115Maintains regular & on time attendance
CommentsC116Plan, organize & complete tasks on time
CommentsC117Select & apply materials appropriate for the job
CommentsC118Speak clearly & accurately when communicating
CommentsC119Understand parts & roles in an organization
CommentsC120Understands consequences for decisions & actions
CommentsC121Use instructional materials for multiple tasks
CommentsC122Use technical materials for multiple tasks
CommentsC123Uses decision-making & problem-solving techniques
CommentsC124Work effectively in a team, understand roles
CommentsI101Accommodations implemented as per IEP
CommentsI102Curriculum adapted to student needs
CommentsI103Curriculum has been modified
CommentsI104Emphasis on effective use of assistive devices
CommentsI105Grade accommodated per IEP
CommentsI106Student making progress toward IEP behavior goals
CommentsI107Student making progress toward IEP math goals
CommentsI108Student making progress toward IEP reading goals
CommentsI109Student making progress toward IEP writing goals
CommentsI110Student not making progress on IEP behavior goals
CommentsI111Student not making progress on IEP reading goals
CommentsI112Student not making progress on IEP writing goals
CommentsI113Student not making progress toward IEP math goals
CommentsI114Working on a modified curriculum per IEP
CommentsL101Developing language skills
CommentsL102Infrequent use of academic vocabulary
CommentsL103Uses academic vocabulary appropriately
CommentsL104Uses academic vocabulary frequently
CommentsP101All practice work completed
CommentsP102Concern: grade affected by missing revisions
CommentsP103Concern: missing revisions & retakes
CommentsP104Concern: student did not retake tests
CommentsP105Does not meet standard on required Work Sample
CommentsP106Does not use revision to improve work quality
CommentsP107Learning targets not met regularly
CommentsP108No grade given: missing evidence
CommentsP109Not enough evidence to evaluate performance
CommentsP110Preparation for retake needed
CommentsP111Student has not met semester learning target(s)
CommentsP112Student is developing skills in this content area
CommentsP113Student is exceeding in this content area
CommentsP114Student is proficient in this content area
CommentsP115Student lacks foundational skills
CommentsS101Class/lab fee due
CommentsS102Concern: please call teacher
CommentsS103Conference recommended, please call
CommentsS104Grade reflects transfer grade
CommentsS105Missing graduation requirements: contact counselor
CommentsS106New student: no grade
CommentsS107Owes for lost/damaged materials
CommentsS108Passing grade for high school course
CommentsS109Please contact teacher
CommentsS110See counselor for grade
CommentsS111Student notified by printout of missing work
CommentsS112Study hall or tutorial recommended
CommentsS113Unable to participate due to injury/illness
CommentsS114Withdrew: failing
CommentsS115Withdrew: no grade
CommentsS116Withdrew: passing
CommentsS888HS credit course: Grade added to transcript
CommentsS999Non credit HS course: not on transcript
CommentsT101Uses technology effectively
